Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thanks for your Collaboration!

Did you know that at this moment you are collaborating with me? You didn't? Well now you do.

You are reading my blog, which I use to write an opinion on articles I read for my social media and business class. Your participation is included in my grade. Your comments (if constructive enough) help me further my knowledge. Thank you!

Nowadays, in business, online participation and collaboratation are a nesessary tools that keeps a company active 24/7. As long as the company has a collaborative corporate culture, as Will Kelly describes it, you will keep the communications and production flowing.

Many software companies have tapped into this new trend and are creating software to aid it (for more info on which companies click here). Have you heard of google aps? I'm sure most of us are familiar with it. Especially us, students. It's like an agenda that magically accompanies us everywhere (as long as we have an Internet connection and a laptop). Isn't it great?


  1. With online collaboration does a work day that never actually ends comes along with it? Just like how a blackberry forces you to never be connected. Online collaboration forces you to be able to connect anywhere and anytime. Added stress and workload maybe?

  2. Alex I think your post is interesting, but I have to say my comment will not further your knowledge for today though ! lol

    Addison I assume you are right when talking about stress and workload, we are now facing difficulties to separate private and professional lives and it is getting worst with online collaboration ...

  3. Addison and Marion, I agree with your idea of the added pressure and workload. At the the same time, online business has opened many doors. For example, conducting business in other parts of the world where there is a time difference, now its easier than ever to stay connected and get things done! Everything in moderation, its up to each individual to know how to balance their workload.

  4. love google apps and I think that these blogs do help us collaborate online and see how other think. It's always great when someone brings up a point or idea about a topic we blog about that you maybe didn't pick up on at first
