There is this thing called socialnomics going around. Heard of it? It's supposed to increase a company's sales percentage simply by using social networking sites. And the cost of using social netowrking? None. Zip. ZERO.
You'd think that would be great news, right? The company doesn't have to worry about investing in heavy marketing campaigns. Woopee!
Think again.
Although it's great that you can get your company's name out there remember that the competition is tough. If you're a marketer...I'm sorry buddy. Maybe you should try viral marketing?
Since advertising is getting to the point where it can cost nothing, maybe at some point the same thing will happen to some luxury products - like what's happening to music.
And about socialnomics...I just wanted to say that getting your company recognized by using social methods is really old stuff. Most latin countries rely mainly on society to increase a company's popularity (can't speak for all latin countries, just those I've lived in). Technology has simply enhanced the communication.
While most of us are scrambling to get a job with big company names some individuals are hitting it big on their own - and earning big bucks from it.
How do they do it? The answer is easy. They're benefitting off social media.
For example, look at the stars on YouTube like Peter Chao. The video below explains how his videos helped him get into college and then earn him money after it.
I read this book some time ago by Yochai Benkler called the Wealth of Networks [free downloadable version please click here]. He mentions that thanks to the Internet and the availability of cheap technology we can create our own user generated content and earn a buck or two from it.
For example the cost of starting a business before was much more prohibitive than it is today with the Internet. Now the cost to be a media producer is cheap and easy.
We all like being popular, right? And if not, I'm sure positive attention is always well received.
Well, how about making your blog popular? Would that interest you? You're probably thinking, "Geez, what kind of advice can YOU give me??". True. My blog is not Paul Krugman's (he has a very good blog on economics which he writes for the NY Times). But if I wanted to I could make it just as good as Krugman's.
Here are the basic tools for popularity:
Use Twitter to promote your blog
Use Facebook to promote your blog
Use every social media you can think of to promote your blog
Leave your blog link everywhere you possibly can
Comment on other blogs and tweets and leave a link back to your blog (the more you do this the better)
But now comes the tricky part. How do you know you are getting popular? Checck your Google Analytics, duh!
Marshall Kirkpatric wrote an article on the stats of how Monica Rankin achieved popularity. From what I understood from the article the best time to post a blog piece is 12pm and the worst is 4pm. Of course if you are already established as a hot blogger time doesn't matter.